Top ESG News-September

This month’s article highlights employee issues like gender discrimination, insufficient pay, and bad leave policies and long working hours. Read on to know more.

  1. Three employees with activists from “Forum Against Corruption” filed a PIL against Accenture and Cognizant Technologies Ltd. in the state of Telangana in India. The charges against the two tech giants are said to be their ‘bad leave policy and long working hours.’
  2. After facing a GBP 183 million fine due to the 2018 data breach, British Airways is facing another grave situation. A strike by the pilots of the BALPA union scheduled for 27th September was called off. The pilots of BALPA had a row with British Airways (a subsidiary of International Airlines Group) over pay and conditions. However, since the cancellation of the union’s strike on the 27th, there have been no further talks and the previous strikes cost the parent company a whopping GBP 121 million.
  3. Stacey Macken, a London banker won a gender discrimination case against her employer. She sued the London office of BNP Paribas for £4m on the basis of unequal pay, claiming she was discriminated against due to her gender and paid significantly less than a male co-worker with the same job title. She also claimed she faced harassment. PNB Paribas declined to comment.

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