20 eco-resolutions for 2020

As the year comes to a close, we will all be making resolutions for the New Year to be better versions of ourselves and to make positive changes in our lives. Taking care of the planet is complimentary to taking care of ourselves. Let’s look at 20 ways one can pledge to be better, for the planet and therefore for oneself, in the coming year.

1. Reduce/Avoid/Ditch PLASTIC BAGS at all costs

Buy nude veggies and fruits from your local market or vendors and not the plastic-clad ones. Supermarkets sell vegetables and fruits unnecessarily packed in plastic. And as we know by now, PLASTIC is a monster. So, make sure to carry your own cloth bag whenever you step out to buy something.


Invest in a good reusable water-bottle and keep-cup and carry it with you always. You receive discounts and bonus loyalty points if you bring your own coffee mug to Starbucks. It is not only good for the planet but saves you a lot of money. So it’s a win-win.

3. Sail past the SALEs

SALEs were a bi-annual affair until a few years ago (at least in INDIA) but now there’s a new sale every week, least to say. And I understand that its hard to say no to tempting deals and discounts but that is turning us into wasteful freaks, to be honest. More often we tend to buy an item on sale because of the ‘lucrativeness of the offer’ than ‘its utility.’ So next time you WANT to buy something, ask yourself if you really NEED that item. And if the answer to that question is in the negative or a maybe, practice self-restraint and move past it.

4. Buy in bulk

Plan your trips to the Grocer or supermarket and buy staple items in bulk. Bulk buying has many benefits. It saves a lot of time and money. It also saves one from a lot of needless plastic packaging. For example, buying a big can oil cooking oil is better than buying several small bottles. It is the same thing, just with more plastic. If possible, Bring Your Own Container to the bulk store and stock up your supplies.

5. Make Your Own

One of the best ways to save a lot of money, stay away from toxins and chemicals, and care for the planet at the same time is by Making everything you can, at home. By that I mean, making your own toothpaste, shampoo bars, cleaning agents and stuff. Cleaning agents, for instance, are basically a cocktail of a plethora of toxic chemicals. It’s funny that we use them to “clean” our homes but it’s they whom we actually need protection from. The chemicals from these cleaning agents pollute our air and water to an unimaginable extent. NEED I SAY MORE?
When we clean any surface with these agents, we kill the germs but with that expose ourselves to these toxic chemicals, every single day. And oh, who has kids here?
SCARY, isn’t it? But you can use natural ingredients like vinegar, sodium bicarbonate, citrus fruits as cleaning agents and they work just as good.
There was a life before these toxic industrial cleaners too, you know. People have survived then, we will too. So go on, try and mix some natural ingredients and Make Your Own.

If you’re interested in such natural recipes, stay tuned to my Youtube channel: @iamgreenified

6. Collect more memories and experiences than material objects

We live in a society that is fueled by consumerism. Things have taken precedence over real people. People want to hustle and earn more to be able to possess more. Because somehow they think or are made to think that experiences can be met only through possessions! How absurd is that! How can happiness and quality time spent with loved ones be equivalent to possessing a “cute Giambattista Valli x H&M dress.” Its high time we are more conscious of what we consume because it has a significant impact on our world’s resources.
And for the record, buying stuff is not an experience. Be less wasteful and more mindful.

7. Walk and Cycle more

Why do we feel comfortable to hop into our car every time we step out of our house? Even if we have to go a short distance. Let’s say to go to the gym, or to the neighborhood shopping arcade? Just because one has a car does not mean one cannot walk or peddle short distances. Chuck the habit of driving your car to every goddamn place, especially if it’s just a short walk away.
Believe me, it will do you good and to the planet too.

8. Recycle and Upcycle more

New is not always better. Before buying something new, see if something you already have can do the job. For example, buy things that come in glass jars and bottles instead of plastic ones. Once they are exhausted, wash and dry them and use them to store food. Old tires are the worst possible things that land up in landfills, if you happen to have some, instead of throwing them try DIY’ing them into colorful planters or an ottoman.

9. Adopt a less-meat and more plant-based diet

Now now, I’m not going to ask you to turn VEGAN altogether but you can try taking baby steps, right? Maybe, start with one MEAT-FREE day and then see how it goes. I won’t bother getting into the health-specific facts and arguments of either diet but the fact that a meat-based diet is more carbon-intensive than a plant-based diet is irrefutable.

10. Grow Your Own

Even if you don’t have a big garden or a backyard, you can still grow herbs and chilies in pots at your window sill. Growing a tomato or a lemon plant in a pot is also no hassle at all. Growing your own means that you get pesticide-free veggies, save money and save the planet a lot of rubbish plastic packaging.

11. Embrace Slow Fashion

The fashion industry is the second most polluting industry in the world. Yes, let that sink in. In an attempt to be trendier and more fashionable, without breaking our bank, there is an invisible underlying cost that we pay: Environmental Degradation. Now that’s not just a term, it affects us in myriad ways. It affects the water we drink and the air we breathe. That is the price we pay for fashion. So, slow down there. You needn’t own every piece of clothing ever made. Wear your clothes more. Donate or reuse your old clothes, instead of throwing them away. Be a more-conscious shopper.
Choose QUALITY over QUANTITY. Always.

12. Be a smart cook

Soak the pulses and rice to reduce its cooking time; this saves energy and therefore money. Only use as much water as you need and cover your pans so you save energy. Overfilling your kettle is a waste of electricity so only boil as much as you need.

13. Be Energy-wise

Always switch off your electronic appliances. Never leave them in idle mode as they eat energy. Some appliances draw energy even when they are not being used and phone chargers are the worst of them all. “Vampire Power” is a significant contributor to our electricity bills.
Invest in energy-saving lights; they are more cost-efficient.
Be curtain-clever: Choose thicker curtains, ones with blackout lining as they help to keep the house cool during summers and prevent the heat from escaping during winters.
Operate your washing machine during late-night or early-morning hours as it is more eco-friendly and saves you money. Also, make sure that your machine is full and that you wash the clothes in cold water.

14. Plan Your Meals

Always plan your meals in advance. Not only does it save time by keeping one organized but also helps to reduce food wastage. When you plan meals ahead, you shop accordingly which leads to less food being wasted. Uncertainty in cooking allows foods to sit at home for longer and they often go bad in this process and contribute to unnecessary pile up in the landfill. So be smart, plan your meals and donate the food items you think you cannot use up and are not going to make it past their expiry.

15. Conserve water

It doesn’t hurt to close the tap while brushing. So don’t leave the water running. Take bucket baths instead of showers. And if showers are really your thing, then at least take quick showers. Collect the RO reject water in a tank and use it for cleaning purposes. If possible, install a rain-water harvesting system at home. Water isn’t called “blue gold” for nothing. It really is the most precious resource on this planet.

16. Dispose off your waste properly

Always sort your waste. Compost your wet waste, if you have a backyard (or if you can). Waste segregation not only makes it easier for the waste management authorities to manage the waste better but also decreases the load on the environment.

17. Support small, eco-friendly brands

Instead of buying regular drugstore shampoo(from big brands like Unilever and P&G), give a chance to emerging eco-friendly brands or small businesses who make hand-made natural shampoo bars and soaps. These products are natural and toxic-less, unlike their supermarket counterparts which are manufactured in bulk and come in ugly plastic packaging. With your support, these brands get a chance to make their products available to more people thereby making it cheaper. This also pushes, regular big brands to mend their ways and introduce eco-friendly alternatives to the market. Because ultimately consumer trends drive the market.

18. Use public transport more often

For the sake of de-congesting our roads and letting the air quality to revive, we can surely do this much. And not only when the government compels us, or when we feel that the air quality is too bad during a particular season, but all year round.

19. Travel sustainably

With the recent boom in the travel industry, a significant impact on the environment has been recorded. By choosing certain good habits, one can gain the pleasure of traveling without leaving a huge footprint. Choose the train instead of flying (if you have the time, that is). Train journeys are definitely more fun than flights. Eat local while on a vacation. By that, I mean, give the local cuisine a try, instead of eating at Mc Donalds. Respect the culture of the place you’re traveling to. Choose to stay at a BnB or homestay instead of a hotel. Cycle around a city or use public transport instead of taking a cab everywhere you go. Carry your own toiletries, water bottle and reusable cutlery to avoid plastic pollution. These are just a few, to say but these are good starting points.
How many of these can you do on your next travels?

And lastly,

20. Spread the word

Knowing is good, but propagating knowledge is even better. If you learn any simple tricks/hacks/habits, don’t hesitate to talk to your friends about it. We need to get the good word out, don’t we?

Another mandatory pledge I would urge each and everyone to take is to PLANT A TREE. Given the state of our planet it’s not a hard ask, is it? Even if you don’t wish to do any of the above, DO THIS.

Step up and take responsibility for taking care of this beautiful planet we call HOME. Let 2020 usher in a new era of change. Every little step and each action, however, minuscule will contribute towards the betterment of our planet. I believe so, I really do. I hope you believe in this too.

On this note, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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